Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Responses to the Documentary Hypothesis

The Eclipse of the “Documentary Hypothesis,” Sometimes Called the “Graf-Wellhausen’s Theory” by Donald Philip Veitch

The Undead Hypothesis: Why the Documentary Hypothesis is the Frankenstein of Biblical Studies by Duane Garrett

The History and Salient Points of the Documentary Hypothesis

A Summary of Recent Findings in Support of an Early Date for the So-Called Priestly Material of the Pentateuch by David R. Hildebrand

The Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch by William Henry Green [1895 edition]

Evangelical Responses to Historical Criticism by Luis Dizon

Ancient Near Eastern Treaties and the Book of Deuteronomy by Luis Dizon

Michael Heiser's papers on:
Mosaic Authorship of the Torah: Problems with the Documentary Hypothesis (JEDP) PART 1

Mosaic Authorship of the Torah: Problems with the Documentary Hypothesis (JEDP) PART 2

Mosaic Authorship of the Torah: Problems with the Documentary Hypothesis (JEDP) PART 3

Is JEDP and the Documentary Hypothesis Real? Dr. Michael Heiser

Challenging The Documentary Hypothesis
by Michael Jones/InspiringPhilosophy

See the other videos on the Documentary Hypothesis by Michael Jones at his YouTube channel InspiringPhilosophy. by

Does the Story of Abraham Contradict Itself
by Michael Jones/InspiringPhilosophy

See also: the satirical post: New Directions in Pooh Studies